Dedication Bench
in Port Alice BC
We go to great lengths to try and capture our products in the communities where they are installed. Every once and a while we run across something that is amazing and this dedication Bench in Port Alice BC is one of those.
We were doing our demo trailer tour on the northern part of Vancouver Island. Had left Port Hardy on our way to Campbell River and came across a sign that stated Port Alice was 30KM of the main road. I remembered a few years ago that we had supplied a dedication bench to a customer in this community and thought that since we we already in the area why not make the slight detour.
1/2 hour later we arrived in this small picturesque community and started the hunt. Figured out where City Hall was and with the help of the folks there, found the location and made our way there. Nestled up against the mountainside we found the bench. We started to take some pictures and were approached by a gal who happened to be home doing some yard clean up and noticed us drive by with the demo trailer. "That's Wishbone, what are they doing here?".
She proceeded to explain that she had seen this bench and liked it so much that she also ordered one for her husband who had passed away. The bench was down at the bay where they frequented and had a view of the mountain range where her husband logged. We chatted for some time and decided it would be great to see it. As the pictures show a great location and a great spot to contemplate life. It was really nice to spend time with her and the pooch.
We work with lots of folks every year on memorial benches and rarely do we have the opportunity to meet them, hear their stories and and see the final location of the benches. Can't help but think that maybe this has helped her through the process and that noticing the sign on the side of the road was not by chance.